When it comes to finding the best tank mates for guppies you definitely have a lot of options.
If you’re looking to add some variety to your guppy tank then there are lots small peaceful community fish that get along great with guppies. Scroll down to see some of our favorite fish to keep with guppies.
Guppy Tank Mates
Platies (View Price) can be a great fish to keep with guppies. Platies also come in a wide variety of colors just like guppies. Males are usually smaller and more vibrantly colored, while female platies are larger with more subdued colors.
Platies are a very peaceful community fish, which makes them an excellent fish to keep with guppies. Platies can be shy though and they do need hiding spots, like plants or aquarium decorations.
Like guppies, platies will also bear live young, which makes them a great fish for first-time breeders. If you’re looking for a solid fish for a beginner, then platies are definitely a good fish to consider.
Neon Tetra

Neon Tetras (View Price) are a vibrant blue and red fish, that makes a perfect guppy tank mate in a small aquarium. Neon Tetras are a very docile fish and they are relatively easy to care for, which makes them a very popular fish for beginners.
Neon Tetras need to be kept in groups of five or more since these fish need to be in schools to feel safe and remain stress-free and stay healthy. Neon Tetras grow to about a maximum size of about 1 inch, and they eat a wide variety of foods including pellets and flakes.
Neon Tetras also need to be kept in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places since they can be a little skittish. Overall though, Neon Tetras make a great addition to a guppy tank, and their bright colors and schooling behaviors will add lots of life to your aquarium.
Endler’s Livebearer
Endler’s (View Price) are very hardy freshwater fish that are closely related to guppies. Endler males exhibit hues of orange, green and blue all across their small body. Their vibrant coloration and easy disposition make them a perfect tank mate for a guppy.
Endler’s tend to remain small throughout their life and they usually only reach a maximum adult size of 1 inch. When it comes to Endler guppy compatibility their diminutive size makes them a perfect fit for a small guppy tank, and they get along with most other peaceful fish in a community aquarium.
Endler fish also give birth to live young just like guppies, and they do best in a planted tank with plenty of hiding spots if you want to successfully breed them.

Rasboras (View Price) are a colorful peaceful fish that get along great with guppies. They are very easy to care for, and they tolerate a wide range of water conditions. Rasboras are also great for small tanks since they only reach a maximum size of 2 inches.
Rasboras do best in small schools of at least six fish or more, and they are a very outgoing fish that are very active swimmers. They also aren’t very shy when they are kept in a large enough school, and they exhibit very tight schooling behavior.

Mollies (View Price) are one of the best tank mates for guppies since they like to live in the same water conditions, and they have a similar disposition. Mollies are also very peaceful fish, so they won’t cause any fights or nip at your guppies.
Mollies are livebearers just like guppies, and they are very easy to breed in the right environment. Just like guppies, they do best in a planted tank with plenty of places for their fry to hide in.
Mollies do grow larger than guppies though since they reach a maximum adult size of about 6 inches. That means they might not do well in a 10-gallon fish tank, but they are perfect for a 20-gallon aquarium.

Swordtails (View Price) are another livebearer fish that will get along with guppies. Sword Tails are actually close relatives of platies, and they have a similar body shape, except that males have a “sword” on their tail which gives them a slightly more unique appearance.
Swordtails are generally very peaceful fish, but the males do fight amongst themselves in displays of dominance. This fighting rarely ever spills over to other fish though, and they usually get along fine with guppies. However, Swordtails are known to be jumpers, so it’s a good idea to keep them in an aquarium with a tightly sealed cover.
Nerite Snail

Nerite Snails (View Price) are very effective algae eaters, and they constantly graze on algae on every exposed surface in an aquarium. They are a relatively hardy snail, but they are sensitive to high levels of copper-based medications, and they don’t tolerate high nitrate levels.
Zebra Nerite snails also make an attractive addition guppy tank since they really stand out with their golden yellow stripes. Nerite snails generally live between 1 to 2 years, and they grow to a length of 1 to 1.1 inches.
Nerite Snails also won’t overpopulate your tank since they can’t reproduce in freshwater. Their eggs need brackish water to mature, so while you might see some eggs in your tank they won’t hatch and become a pest problem.
Cory Catfish
Cory Catfish (View Price) are another excellent tank mate for guppies. Corydoras spend most of their time on the bottom of the tank searching for food. That means they usually keep to themselves, and they also provide the added benefit of removing any uneaten food that can cloud up and cause ammonia spikes in the water.
Cory Catfish are very peaceful fish, and they like to be kept in groups of 4 or more since they like to form a shoal to feel safe and comfortable. They also won’t compete with guppies for food since they prefer to eat sinking pellets, while guppies usually like to eat flakes at the surface of the water.

Otocinclus (View Price) are a great addition to a peaceful tankful of guppies. They do best in a planted tank in a small school, and they absolutely love eating algae. They are a little shy though, so they do need to be kept in a tank with plenty of hiding spaces.
Otos are also one of the smaller algae eaters, which makes them a perfect fit for a 10 to 20-gallon guppy aquarium. They also don’t become aggressive as they age like Chinese algae eaters, and they get along with all types of peaceful fish like Cherry Barbs, Corydoras Catfish, Danios, Rasboras, and Mollies.
Cherry Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp (View Price) make a unique addition to almost any guppy tank. Cherry shrimp are a beautiful species of shrimp, and they are also quite functional. They have a voracious appetite for algae, and they also clean up uneaten food and detritus
Cherry shrimp are very easy to breed, and in most cases, they will start breeding as soon as they get situated in their new environment. They also do best in a planted tank that provides them with plenty of algae to eat, and places to take cover. If your planning on keeping a peaceful planted guppy tank then Cherry Shrimp are definitely worth your consideration.
Guppies (View Price) are a very social fish that do well in a single species aquarium. By getting more guppies for your tank you can be sure they’ll get along with each other, and you won’t have to worry about maintaining different feeding and water requirements.
Guppies are also more likely to successfully breed in a guppy only tank, and their young will be more likely to survive predation. In addition, nothing is more beautiful in my opinion than a tankful of colorful male fantail guppies.