Bearded dragons like to eat a variety of different things, including insects, fruits, and vegetables. On this page, we will outline some of the foods that bearded dragons like to eat.. So, if you are looking for information on what to feed your bearded dragon, keep reading!
What Do Bearded Dragons Need To Eat?
What Do Bearded Dragons Need To Eat? They require a diet made up of both insects and fresh vegetables. A lack of either in their diet can lead to health problems.
In the wild, bearded dragons eat insects especially when they are young and growing quickly. So, in captivity, you should feed them a variety of gut-loaded live mealworms, waxworms, and crickets.
In addition to insect protein, they need fresh vegetables every day. Offer them a variety of dark leafy greens like kale and collards, as well as carrots and zucchini.
Be sure to chop the vegetables into small pieces to make it easier for them to eat.
Lastly, bearded dragons need a good source of calcium to prevent metabolic bone disease (MBD)
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat
- Insects
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Commercial Food
- Water
Bearded Dragon Diet in the Wild
Bearded dragons are omnivorous, and their diet consists of both plant and animal material. In the wild, they eat a variety of insects, including grasshoppers, spiders, and beetles. They also consume small lizards, eggs, and flowers.
What Do Bearded Dragons Like To Eat?
There are many things to consider when it comes to keeping a bearded dragon as a pet. One of the most important is what to feed them. Bearded dragons like to eat a variety of different things, so there’s no need to let them get bored with their diet.
Below, we’ll take a look at some of the things bearded dragons like to eat and give you some tips on how to provide them with the best possible diet.
Can Bearded Dragons Have a Favorite Food?
Bearded Dragons can be very picky eaters. They will oftentimes only eat a few types of food, and can even become “obsessed” with a certain type of food.
Some of the more common foods that Bearded Dragons love to eat include crickets, grasshoppers, mealworms, wax worms, and butterworms. However, it’s important to always offer a variety of different types of food to your dragon so that they get the proper nutrition they need.
What Insects Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
Do Bearded Dragons Like Crickets

Bearded dragons do like crickets, and gut-loaded crickets are an especially good source of nutrition for them. Make sure to buy crickets from a reputable source so you can be sure they are healthy and filled with the nutrients your dragon needs.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Superworms
Superworms are high in protein and fat, making them an excellent choice for beardies that are looking to bulk up. However, as with all feeders, it’s important not to overdo it – a few Superworms per week is plenty for most adult beardies.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Waxworms
Bearded Dragons enjoy Waxworms as a special treat. However, it’s important to only offer Waxworms as a very occasional snack since they are not a nutritionally balanced diet for Bearded Dragons since they have a very high-fat content.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Earthworms
Bearded dragons are known to eat earthworms. However, it is important to note that earthworms can sometimes contain parasites. If you are feeding your bearded dragon earthworms, it is important to make sure that they are clean and free of parasites.
Read More: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms
Do Bearded Dragons Like Cockroaches
Bearded dragons do like cockroaches, but Dubia roaches are a better choice than common cockroaches. Dubia roaches are less likely to carry disease, and they are also easier to care for and breed than common cockroaches.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Locusts
Most bearded dragons will enjoy eating locusts. However, it can be difficult to find or raise locusts that are suitable for bearded dragons. And while they may enjoy munching on these large jumping insects, it’s important to remember that locusts should only be given to adult bearded dragons as a treat.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Butterworms
Bearded Dragons like butterworms, but they are very high in fat and should only be given as an occasional treat. Butterworms are a good source of protein, calcium, and other nutrients, so they’re a good choice for a rapidly growing juvenile bearded dragon.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Silkworms
Bearded dragons do like to eat silkworms. Silkworms are a nutrient-rich food source that can help your bearded dragon boost their health and vitality. If you’re looking to feed your bearded dragon a nutritious treat, you can feed them live, dried, or even frozen silkworms.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Phoenix worms
Phoenix worms are an insect that can be fed to many reptiles, including bearded dragons. They are high in fat, so they should only be given to your bearded dragon in moderation.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Dubia Roaches
Bearded dragons love Dubia roaches and they are one of the best prey items you can feed them. They are very easy to raise since they require very little maintenance and can be kept in a small container. Plus, they are an excellent source of nutrition for your beardie.
Read More: How Many Dubia Roaches Can A Bearded Dragon Eat?
Do Bearded Dragons Like Morioworms
Bearded dragons like Morioworms. However, they are very fatty and can cause weight gain in your bearded dragon if given too many. Try to limit the number of Morioworms that your bearded dragon eats to 1-2 per week.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Mealworms

Bearded dragons love eating mealworms. Most adult bearded dragons will readily eat mealworms as a treat. However, it can be difficult for young or juvenile bearded dragons to chew and swallow mealworms because of their hard exoskeleton. If you have a juvenile bearded dragon, you may want to chop up the mealworms into smaller pieces so they can eat them more easily.
What Fruit Can a Bearded Dragons Eat?
Do Bearded Dragons Like Figs
Bearded dragons like figs. However, they are high in sugar and calories, so you should only give your dragon a small portion of figs at a time, as too many figs can lead to weight gain.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Watermelon
Bearded dragons love to eat watermelon. However, it is important to remove the seeds before feeding them to your dragon, as they are a choking hazard. It also has a high moisture content, so it makes a good treat for a bearded dragon than isn’t drinking enough water. Just make sure not to give them a lot of watermelon since too much sugar can be bad for them.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Apples
Bearded dragons like eating small pieces of apple. They are a good source of Vitamin C and other nutrients, so they make a healthy snack for your dragon. However, you should remove the seeds, though, as they can be harmful to your pet.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Mango
Bearded dragons typically enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and mango is no exception. This delicious, sweet fruit is a favorite of many bearded dragons, and can even be used as a training treat. When offering your dragon mango, be sure to cut it into small pieces, and as with all new foods, offer mango in moderation at first to gauge your beardies’ reaction before giving them more.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Papaya
Papaya is a great food for bearded dragons because it’s high in vitamin A and C, as well as other important nutrients. Just be sure to remove the seeds from the papaya before you give it to your dragon since they can be harmful if ingested.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Dates
Bearded dragons like dates and they love their high sugar content. This makes them a good special treat for your dragon. Just be sure to give them in moderation, as too much sugar in a bearded dragon’s diet can lead to health problems.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Peaches
Bearded dragons tend to enjoy peaches quite a bit! They are drawn to the sweetness of the fruit, and the soft flesh is easy for them to eat. However, as with anything else, it is important to offer peaches in moderation. Bearded dragons require a diet that is mostly composed of insects, so too much fruit could lead to health problems down the road. But a little peach now and then makes for a delicious treat your beardie is sure to enjoy!
Do Bearded Dragons Like Apricots
Bearded dragons like apricots and they are a good source of Vitamin A and other nutrients that bearded dragons need. You can give them apricots either fresh or dried. If you give them dried apricots, make sure they haven’t been dusted with a sulfur preservative and soak them in water first so they are not too dry.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Plums
Bearded dragons do like plums and they are a good source of vitamins and minerals for these reptiles, and they enjoy the sweet taste. Be sure to remove the pit from the plum before offering it to your bearded dragon, as they can choke on these. Otherwise, you’ll find that your beardie will love devouring this soft juicy fruit!
Do Bearded Dragons Like Kiwi
Bearded dragons enjoy eating kiwi fruit, but you’ll need to remove the skin first since it is very hairy and can pose a choking hazard. However, Kiwi fruit is a good source of Vitamin C and other nutrients, and your bearded dragon will appreciate it as an occasional treat.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Pears
Bearded dragons like pears, and you can offer them a pear as a treat every once in a while, but make sure not to overdo it since pears are high in sugar. Also, it’s important to remove the seeds first and cut them up into small pieces.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Strawberries
Bearded dragons like strawberries and they are a good size for bearded dragons to eat, so they make a healthy snack choice for a hungry beardie.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Raspberries
Bearded Dragons like raspberries and they are the perfect size for them to easily bite and chew, and they are soft so they won’t hurt their mouths. Plus, they love their sweet taste. So if you’re looking for a nutritious and delicious treat for your Beardie, raspberries are a great choice.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Blueberries
Bearded dragons like blueberries and some beardies love them! Blueberries are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants for your bearded dragon, and they’ll help keep your dragon healthy and happy.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Guava
Bearded dragons like guava, and it is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. It’s also low in fat and calories, making it a healthy treat for your beardie. However, you should remove the skin and seeds and cut them into small pieces before feeding them to your dragon.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Grapes
Bearded dragons are known to enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, and grapes are no exception. While you should never give your bearded dragon grapes with seeds, as these can be harmful, seedless grapes make a great treat for these reptiles. Be sure to wash the grapes thoroughly before feeding them to your bearded dragon, as pesticide residue can be dangerous. Your bearded dragon may also enjoy eating grape leaves, so feel free to include those in their diet as well.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Raisins
Bearded dragons like raisins and they are a healthy and nutritious snack for beardies, as they provide them with important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Be sure to only give your bearded dragon a small handful of raisins at a time, as too many can cause health problems. It’s also a good idea to soak them in water first to soften them up.
What Vegetables Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
Do Bearded Dragons Like Peas
Bearded dragons like peas but they should only eat them in moderation, as they are quite high in calories. Peas are a good source of vitamins C and A, as well as fiber and protein, so they can be a part of your beardie’s diet. Just make sure not to overdo it on the peas, or your dragon may end up being a little on the pudgy side!
Do Bearded Dragons Like Green Beans
Bearded dragons like green beans and they are a good source of fiber and vitamin A, both of which are essential for a healthy diet. They also contain small amounts of other nutrients like potassium and magnesium.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Courgette
Courgette is a great vegetable to give your bearded dragon as it is packed with nutrients and is low in calories. Bearded dragons usually enjoy eating courgette raw or cooked, so feel free to experiment and see what your dragon likes best.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Butternut Squash
Bearded dragons like butternut squash, but it is high in calories. If you’re looking to give your beardie butternut squash, moderation is key since too much of anything can lead to obesity and other health problems.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Sweet Potato
Bearded dragons enjoy sweet potatoes, but they’re very high in calories, so you shouldn’t make them a staple in your dragon’s diet. Sweet potato leaves are a much better option for beardies. They’re packed with nutrients and vitamins that are essential to your dragon’s health, and they’re much lower in calories than sweet potatoes.
So, if you’re looking to give your bearded dragon a healthy treat, reach for the sweet potato leaves instead of sweet potato tubers. Your bearded dragon will thank you!
Do Bearded Dragons Like Bell Pepper
Bearded dragons will enjoy bell peppers and they are a good source of Vitamin C and other nutrients, so they’re a healthy snack for your pet. Just be sure to remove the seeds before giving them to your dragon, and only offer them as a special treat.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Broccoli
Bearded dragons usually enjoy eating broccoli. However, it’s important to cut the broccoli into small pieces before feeding it to them. Otherwise, they may have trouble digesting it correctly. Additionally, only feed broccoli to your bearded dragon once or twice a week as part of a varied diet.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Acorn Squash
Bearded dragons like acorn squash, but it should be chopped up into small pieces before being offered to them. This is because their mouths are relatively small and they may have difficulty chewing larger chunks of squash. Additionally, while acorn squash is a nutritious treat for bearded dragons, it should not be given to them too often since it is high in calories.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Cabbage
Bearded dragons like cabbage and it is a healthy vegetable that is high in fiber and low in calories, making it a perfect food choice for your bearded dragon.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Kohlrabi
Do bearded dragons like kohlrabi? The answer is yes, they do! Kohlrabi is a great source of nutrition for them and is packed with vitamins and minerals that they need. Plus, it’s a crunchy vegetable that they can enjoy munching on. However, keep in mind that kohlrabi is not as nutritious as broccoli, kale, or cabbage, so it should only be given to them as a treat and not as their main source of food.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Parsnip
Bearded Dragons like parsnip. You can give them parsnip as a treat, but it should be shredded and only given in small amounts because it is high in calorie
Do Bearded Dragons Like Pak Choi
Pak choi is a leafy green vegetable that is high in nutrients and has a mild flavor that most bearded dragons enjoy. When offering pak choi to your beardie, be sure to chop it into small pieces so they can easily eat it.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Yellow Squash
Yellow squash is a low-calorie vegetable and it’s a good source of moisture. For this reason, it can be a healthy snack for bearded dragons. Just make sure to avoid giving your dragon too much of it since it will fill them up without providing them with much nutrition.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Asparagus
Some bearded dragons enjoy asparagus, and it is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help keep your dragon’s digestive system healthy.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Okra
Okra is eaten by some bearded dragons, and it is a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, some bearded dragons may not be particularly fond of okra. If your bearded dragon does not seem to enjoy eating okra, you can try skinning and removing the spines from this vegetable to make it more palatable.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Swiss Chard
Bearded dragons like Swiss chard, but they should only eat it in moderation since it contains oxalates. Oxalates are naturally occurring chemicals found in many foods, and they can bind to minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, preventing the body from absorbing them.
What Greens Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
Do Bearded Dragons Like Kale
Bearded dragons like kale and it is one of the best vegetables you can give your bearded dragon. Kale is packed with nutrients that are essential for reptiles, including vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. It’s also low in fat and calories, making it a healthy choice for your pet.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Collards
Bearded dragons like to eat collards and these leafy greens are rich in nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium. They are also a good source of fiber.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Parsley
Bearded dragons like to eat parsley from time to time. While they won’t feast on it as they would on their favorite insects, a few parsley leaves can make a tasty and healthy treat. Just be sure not to give them too much, as too much parsley can cause digestive issues.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Clover
Bearded dragons like clover and it is a good source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, so it’s a healthy snack option for bearded dragons when fed in moderation. However, it’s important to note that too much clover can cause diarrhea in bearded dragons due to its high protein and low fiber content.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens are one of the most popular food items for bearded dragons, and for good reason. These greens are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that are essential for your bearded dragon’s health. Plus, beardies think they are just plain delicious.
Bearded dragons will often eat dandelion greens straight from the ground, but you can also give them dandelion greens that have been washed and cut up into small pieces. Just make sure to offer them a variety of other healthy foods as well, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens.
Read More: How To Feed Bearded Dragons Dandelions
Do Bearded Dragons Like Turnip Greens
Bearded dragons enjoy turnip greens, and they are a good source of Vitamins A and C, and they also contain healthy amounts of minerals like iron and calcium.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Mustard Greens
Most bearded dragons like to eat mustard greens. They are a good source of vitamin A and other nutrients. Be sure to wash the leaves well before feeding them to your bearded dragon, as they can contain grit and dirt.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Endive
Bearded dragons usually enjoy eating endive, and this leafy green vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Rocket
Bearded dragons like to eat rocket as part of their diet, and it’s a very nutrient-dense leafy green that provides them with important vitamins and minerals.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Coriander
Yes, bearded dragons like coriander. However, it is important to feed them the herb in moderation. Coriander can contain high levels of oxalates, which can lead to health problems if consumed in large quantities. When feeding your bearded dragon coriander, chop it up into small pieces so that they can easily ingest it. Also, be sure to remove the stems as they can be tough for bearded dragons to digest.
Do Bearded Dragons Like Watercress
Bearded dragons like to eat watercress. The high moisture content in watercress makes it a perfect snack for bearded dragons. Not only does watercress have a high water content, but it’s also low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. So it’s the perfect food for keeping your beardie healthy and hydrated.
What Weeds Do Bearded Dragons Like To Eat?
- Dandelion
- Catsear
- Dead nettle
- Plantain