In this post, we’ll discuss the recommended number of Ember tetras per gallon that you can keep in a wide range of fish tanks. So, whether you’re just starting out with an aquarium or are looking to add some new fish to your existing tank, read on for tips on how to best stock your tank!
How Many Ember Tetras Per Gallon
A good rule of thumb is that you can have 0.8 to 1 Ember Tetra per gallon.This means you can keep up to 8 ember tetras in a 10-gallon tank.
Learn More: How Many Fish in a Tank Calculator
Ember Tetra Size

How big do ember tetra get? Ember tetras are a small beautiful fish that typically grow to around 1¼” (3.175 cm). in size. They make a great addition to any community tank and are perfect for beginners.
Ember Tetra Minimum Tank Size
The minimum tank size for an ember tetra is 10 gallons. Ember tetras are a schooling fish and should be kept in groups of six or more. Plus, they prefer a well-planted tank with plenty of areas to swim and hide.
How Many Ember Tetras in a 10 Gallon Tank

For a 10-gallon tank, you can add between 6 and 8 ember tetras. This will give them enough space to swim around and stay healthy. Remember to also include some plants and hiding places in the tank for them to explore and feel safe.
How Many Ember Tetras in a 15 Gallon Tank

The ideal number of ember tetras for a 15-gallon tank is 10 to 12. You may be able to get away with a few more fish, but adding more will increase the risk of water quality issues and maintenance problems. When stocking an aquarium, it’s best to err on the side of too few fish rather than too many.
How Many Ember Tetras in a 20 Gallon Tank

The maximum number of ember tetras that should be kept in a 20-gallon tank is 14 to 16. This number may vary slightly depending on the layout and condition of your tank, but it is generally recommended not to exceed this number.
How Many Ember Tetras in a 40 Gallon Tank

How many ember tetras in a 40-gallon tank? The Ideal stocking density for Ember Tetras in a 40-gallon breeder is around 28 to 32 fish.
When buying Ember Tetras (or any fish), always try to accommodate for their fully-grown size rather than their current size. This will help to ensure that your fish will have plenty of room to swim around and stay healthy as they grow up.
How Many Ember Tetras in a 55 Gallon Tank

The optimal 55-gallon aquarium stocking density for ember tetras is 40 to 44 fish. This number may change depending on the layout of your tank and the other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Overall, a 55-gallon tank is a pretty good size for keeping a large school of Ember Tetras since it provides plenty of room for these small schooling fish to swim around and feel comfortable.
How Many Ember Tetras in a 3 Gallon Tank
A 3-gallon tank is simply too small for ember tetras. They need room to swim and grow, and a 3-gallon tank cannot provide that. Not to mention, the water quality in a small tank like this will deteriorate quickly, which can be fatal for your fish.
How Many Ember Tetras in a 5 Gallon Tank

Five-gallon tanks are not recommended for ember tetras because they can only house at most 4 ember tetras. Ember tetras need to swim in groups, and it’s best to have at least six in a tank. That means you’d be exceeding the maximum stocking density of a 5-gallon tank even with a small school of ember tetras.
How Many Ember Tetras Should Be Kept Together

Ember tetras are schooling fish and do best when kept in groups of six or more. A school of ember tetras will exhibit more natural behaviors and will be less skittish than a solitary fish or pair of ember tetras. Ultimately, the number of ember tetras that should be kept together will depend on the size of the tank and the available space.
How Many Ember Tetras in a School
The average number of ember tetras in a school is 4 to 6. This range allows the fish to have a sense of safety so they will be less stressed and more likely to explore their environment, while also providing them with enough social interaction with other fish.
Ember Tetra Tank Requirements
In terms of tank size, a small school of ember tetras will need to be kept in at least a 10-gallon aquarium.
They are warm water tropical fish and the ideal temperature range for ember tetras is 72-77°F, so they will need a heater.
They are also fairly sensitive to changes in water parameters, so it’s important to test your water regularly to maintain stable conditions in the tank.
When it comes to plants and decorations, ember tetras are not particularly fussy. They prefer dimly lit tanks and prefer to hide among plants and decorations. A few pieces of driftwood or some live plants will help create a natural environment for them so they feel safe.
How Much Do Ember Tetras Cost
You can find ember tetras for sale online for around $2 to $3 per fish. Depending on the retailer, you may also be able to find a discount if you buy a larger quantity of fish.