Bird Age Calculator

Bird Age Calculator

    What are Bird Years? Bird years are a way of converting your pet birds real age into human equivalent years. Bird years are similar to dog or cat years, but since there are so many different bird species the calculation can be a little tricky. That’s why we created the bird age calculator […]

Airline Approved Bird Carriers

Airline Approved Bird Carriers

Finding airline approved bird carriers can be a little bit of a challenge. The first thing you need to consider is if you plan on taking your bird into the cabin, or if they’ll travel in the cargo hold. If you have a smaller bird that can easily fit under the seat of an airplane, […]

What is a Flight Cage

What is a Flight Cage

If you have been looking for a bird cage you have probably seen a few flight cages crop up during your research. And you might have even wondered, what is a flight cage in the first place? In the following article, we will go over the main attributes of a flight cage, and what you […]

What do Parakeets Like to Play With

What do Parakeets Like to Play With

Parakeets are a very energetic and intelligent bird, and because of this, they need a wide variety of toys and stimulation in order to be happy. While it can be hard to know what parakeets like to play with the following list of toys and reviews will help lead you in the right direction.   […]

budgie cage size calculator

Budgie Cage Size Calculator

  Parakeet Cage Size Requirements If you plan on buying a cage for a single budgie (parakeet) you will need a 5500-6000 cubic inch cage. A cage for two budgies will need to have an internal volume of 9000-10000 cubic inches. And for three budgies a 11000-12000 cubic inch cage will suffice. If you plan […]

Can Parakeets Eat Fruit
Bird Parakeet

Can Parakeets Eat Fruit

To better understand if a parakeet can eat fruit, it’s good to know what they eat in the wild. Parakeets in their native habitat of Australia, mostly eat fresh greens, seeds and berries. In the wild a parakeet will have limited access to certain types of food depending on the season. Greens are usually available […]

Do Parakeets do Better in Pairs

Do Parakeets do Better in Pairs

For anyone who feels their parakeet could use some companionship, then getting another parakeet is a great option. For the most part, parakeets do better in pairs, but you will still have to be aware of a few key facts to have a successful pairing. Geo Bird Cage (Watch Video) As with most birds, parakeets […]

Best Pet Birds that Talk

Best Pet Birds that Talk

If you are looking for the best pet birds that talk. There are a wide selection of birds that can fit into any home or budget. The following species are well known for their speaking prowess.   Talking Bird Species   African Parrots The African parrot is regarded as one of the most intelligent talking […]