Budgie Molting - Parakeet Molting
Bird Parakeet

Budgie Molting – Parakeet Molting

If you’ve never owned a budgie before, seeing your budgie molting for the first time can be a bit of a shock. Finding a cage full of feathers and strange pins emerging from your bird’s body might have you worried they’re sick. Although this is a natural process and nothing to worry about, your budgie […]

What do Parakeets Like to Play With

What do Parakeets Like to Play With

Parakeets are a very energetic and intelligent bird, and because of this, they need a wide variety of toys and stimulation in order to be happy. While it can be hard to know what parakeets like to play with the following list of toys and reviews will help lead you in the right direction.   […]

Can Parakeets Eat Fruit
Bird Parakeet

Can Parakeets Eat Fruit

To better understand if a parakeet can eat fruit, it’s good to know what they eat in the wild. Parakeets in their native habitat of Australia, mostly eat fresh greens, seeds and berries. In the wild a parakeet will have limited access to certain types of food depending on the season. Greens are usually available […]

Do Parakeets do Better in Pairs

Do Parakeets do Better in Pairs

For anyone who feels their parakeet could use some companionship, then getting another parakeet is a great option. For the most part, parakeets do better in pairs, but you will still have to be aware of a few key facts to have a successful pairing. Geo Bird Cage (Watch Video) As with most birds, parakeets […]