If you are looking for the best saltwater fish for a 75 gallon tank, then you’re in luck since you can get a wide variety of fish for your aquarium. A 75 gallon tank is big enough to keep a few large showpiece fish,
You could even get a school of smaller fish to add a lot of life and movement to your aquarium. Whichever route you take you’re sure to find some great stocking ideas for your tank in the following article.
Best Saltwater Fish for 75 Gallon Tank
Antenneta Lionfish

The Antenneta Lionfish (Buy Online) is one of the most elegant semi-aggressive fish you can add to a 75 gallon aquarium. Out of all the Lionfish the Antenneta Lionfish is perfectly suited for life in a medium to a large aquarium. Also, the Antenneta Lionfish will only reach a maximum adult size of 7-inches, and they are a little less aggressive than some of their larger relatives.
The Antenneta Lionfish is easy to care for, and it will readily eat foods like live shrimp, live fish, and the flesh of crustaceans. Since they will eat other fish they should be kept in a tank with larger fish, or any fish that they can’t fit in their mouth and swallow. You should also be aware that their dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins are all venomous, and they can cause serious pain if you come into contact with them.
The minimum recommended tank size for an Antenneta Lionfish is 50 gallons. They will also need plenty of hiding spaces since they will be a little timid when they are first introduced into a new environment. Then when they finally settle in and get comfortable they will be more outgoing and put on a beautiful display inside your aquarium.
Yellow Tang
The Yellow Tang (Buy Online) is one of the most recognizable and popular saltwater fish you can add to an aquarium. With its wide flat body and rich vibrant color, the yellow tang is sure to be the center of attention. The Yellow Tang is also a very active swimmer that is a joy to watch since they bring a lot of life and personality to any aquarium.
They are relatively easy fish to keep, and they will eat a diet of meaty fish, seaweed and algae. To keep them healthy and active, you should offer them seaweed at least 3 times a week, and they will also do well in an established aquarium that has some algae.
The Yellow Tang can be an aggressive territorial fish especially with other tangs, and they might even harass fish that are a similar color. For that reason, you should only keep one tang in a tank, and if you do plan on keeping multiple tangs in the same tank they should be introduced at the same time to help limit aggression.
A 75 gallon tank should have enough room for a Yellow Tang as long as it provides them with enough swimming space. If your tank has lots of rocks or other obstructions then it might limit their ability to swim around and burn off their boundless energy. In most cases, this won’t be an issue while they are still young, but as they reach their full adult size of 8-inches then you might need to move them to a larger aquarium.
Lunare Wrasse
The Lunare Wrasse (Buy Online) is a great saltwater aquarium fish for beginners. The Lunare Wrasse is one of the most colorful fish with its yellow fins and vibrant blue-green body. They also will get more beautiful with age as the markings on their face and body will start to get brighter and more striking.
The Lunare Wrasse aren’t recommended for reef tanks since they tend to be aggressive foragers. This can lead to them knocking over rocks and bumping into corals. They won’t eat corals in most cases, but their constant search for food can stress or damage the coral.
They will eat invertebrates like shrimp snails, and some crabs, so they shouldn’t be kept with any invertebrates that they can easily swallow. Lunare Wrasse will eat pests like bristle worms though, so if you do have an invertebrate infestation they can be a big help in those situations.
The Lunare Wrasse should be kept in a tank that holds 75 gallons at a minimum, and the tank should have a tight-fitting lid since they are well-known escape artists. They also will reach a maximum adult size of 10-inches, so they should only be housed with other large fish that can’t easily be eaten.
Copperband Butterfly
The Copperband Butterfly (Buy Online) is a peaceful saltwater aquarium fish that will make a great addition to a community aquarium. With its long nose and graceful body, the Copperband Butterfly is one of the most unique butterfly fish on the market. They are also extremely peaceful fish that will do well with other fish with a similar temperament.
The Copperband Butterfly will get along with most fish, but they can easily become stressed, so care should be taken when choosing suitable tank mates for them to live with. They will pick at some invertebrates like anemones and feather dusters, and some might even take a nip at LPS corals.
Their long nose is specially adapted to find food in tight crevices. This makes them great at controlling aiptasia or other small pests that most fish would have a hard time reaching. They are also a very delicate feeder, so they won’t disturb your rock work or corals while they are foraging. They can be a little difficult to feed though since they are shy and they eat very slowly.
The Copperband Butterfly will need to be housed in a tank that holds at least 70 gallons, and they will need a good amount of hiding places and space to swim in. These fish are best kept by experts since they are relatively difficult to feed, and they are a little more susceptible to diseases.
Bicolor Angelfish
The Bicolor Angelfish (Buy Online) is one of the most beautiful dwarf Angelfish you can add to a saltwater fish aquarium. They are also known as the Oriole Angelfish or the Two-Colored Angelfish. They have a bright yellow head which sharply transitions to dark blue towards the center of their body, and then finally their tail has a translucent yellow color.
The Bicolor Angelfish is generally not considered reef safe since they can pick at corals. This can happen when they get hungry or there is not enough algae in the tank for them to graze on. Some people have luck keeping them in a reef tank, but in most cases, they are more suited for a FOWLR system.
Since the Bicolor Angelfish is a relatively small fish they can be kept in tanks as small as 50-gallons. They do like to have a lot of swimming space though, so a 75-gallon tank is recommended. They tend to reach a maximum adult size of 6-inches, and they feed mainly on algae and spirulina.
Read More: Best Lighting for a 75 Gallon Reef Tank
Blue Hepatus Tang
The Blue Hepatus Tang (Buy Online) is a very recognizable saltwater fish that makes a lively addition to a 75-gallon aquarium. It’s a very beautiful fish that has a bright blue color accompanied by black and yellow accents. The Blue Hepatus Tang needs to live in a tank with lots of live rock since they love to play “dead” and hide in crevices.
The Blue Hepatus Tang is one of the least aggressive tangs, but they can be aggressive to other members of their own species. That’s why it’s best to only have a single Blue Hepatus Tang to keep your tank free of aggression. Otherwise, Blue Hepatus Tangs are peaceful saltwater aquarium fish that do well in non-aggressive community aquariums.
Blue Tangs are easy fish to care for since they are herbivores that mainly eat seaweed and algae. They will need to eat seaweed sheets every day, and they should be given leafy greens like blanched lettuce or spinach to supplement their diet.
The Blue Hepatus Tang will grow to a maximum length of 12-inches, but in most cases, they usually average around 10-inches. As long as a Blue Tang has plenty of room to swim they should do well in a 75-gallon tank. However, if you plan on keeping them in an overstocked tank then they might do better in a 100-gallon aquarium.
Snowflake Eel
The Snowflake Eel (Buy Online), is very easy to care for an eel, which makes them perfect for a beginner eel keeper. They also go by the monicker Snowflake Moray Eel, and they are native to Hawaii and the Indo-Pacific
Snowflake Eels need to be kept in a 50-gallon tank at a minimum, so a 75-gallon tank would be a perfect fit for a single Snowflake Eel. They can be aggressive and territorial, so it’s best to keep a single specimen.
Snowflake Eels are semi-aggressive fish that have a very strong sense of smell, but they have very poor eyesight. This means they won’t chase fish around since they can’t easily see them, but they will eat smaller fish that swim by them.
Snowflake Eels like to keep to themselves since they are very shy fish that like to hide at the base of rocks in caves and crevices. They are also known to be escape artists, so you’ll need to make sure you have a tank that has a tightly fitted lid that can’t be pushed open.
Valentini Puffer
The Valentini Puffer (Buy Online) is one of the smallest pufferfish that you can add to a marine aquarium. They are a member of the Canthigaster genus, and they are much smaller than porcupine and dogface puffers. The Valentini Puffer reaches a maximum adult size of 4-inches, and they can be kept in any tank that holds over 30-gallons of water.
The Valentini Puffer is very easy to care for since they are very undemanding and they have a great personality. Although they will pick on slower moving fish in a community aquarium, so they shouldn’t be kept with smaller tank mates, and fish with long fins since the are well-known fin nippers.
Valentini Puffers are carnivores that need to be fed Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and other meaty high protein foods. They also need to eat whole clams and hard-shelled shrimp to keep their teeth filed down so their teeth don’t overgrow their mouth.
Eibli Angel
The Eibli Angel (Buy Online) is a beautiful and peaceful saltwater aquarium fish. They reach a maximum adult size of 6-inches and they have a minimum tank size requirement of 50-gallons.
Pygmy Angels can be aggressive to other pygmy angels, so if you want to keep more than one Eibli Angel you’ll need to keep them in a tank that’s no smaller than 75-gallons.
The Eibli Angel is a shy fish that appreciates plenty of hiding places. They do best in aquariums with lots of live rock with small caves and crevices. They might not be a great fit for a reef tank sadly since they may nip at anemones, corals, and feather dusters.
Squareback Anthias

The Squareback Anthias (Buy Online) is a small fish that will add a splash of color to any saltwater aquarium. They get their name from the pink square marking that forms on the side of the males. While the females Squareback Anthias remains a bright yellow color, which makes them a highly dimorphic species.
The Squareback Anthias needs to be kept in a tank that holds at least 50-gallons, and they prefer water that has fast currents. They also need a tank with lots of live rock that offers plenty of hiding places.
Squareback Anthias are also very peaceful fish, so they need to be kept in a community tank with non-aggressive tank mates. They can be picky eaters and they prefer to eat live food or frozen shrimp, and it can be hard to get them to eat flakes or pellets.
How Many Clownfish in a 75 Gallon Tank?
Clownfish (Buy Online) can be relatively territorial, so you should be careful if you plan to keep more than a pair of them. As long as you provide them with their own anemones to host in you should be able to keep 10 to 15 Clownfish in a 75-gallon tank.
It’s best to introduce the Clownfish when they are young since it can help reduce conflicts, and they will be more used to living with other Clownfish in their territory. Just keep an eye out for aggressive behavior, and if there are any fights you might want to isolate any Clownfish that is causing problems.
75 Gallon Saltwater Aquarium Starter Kit
Innovative Marine Nuvo 75 Gallon EXT External Overflow Aquarium and APS Aluminum Profile Series Stand
The Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion PRO Series (Buy Online) comes with everything you need to start a thriving saltwater ecosystem. This 75-Gallon tank measures 35.4” x 23.6” x 19.7”, and it comes with a stand that measures 35.68” x 23.5” x 35.81”.
The Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion PRO Series comes with three 1-inch pre-drilled holes that lead into the internal overflow. And it has two 3/4-inch pre-drilled holes that for the return plumbing.
All the plumbing you need also comes included in the kit. You get two 3/4” LOC-Line hoses with dual flare nozzles for the return. One primary drain assembly for the overflow, and one secondary E-Drain assembly.
The stand that comes with this kit is extremely durable since it is made of anodized aluminum. The stand is corrosion resistant, and it won’t warp or swell if water splashes on it. It’s also very easy to set up since it has a modular frame that can be quickly assembled in less than 30 minutes.
If you’re in the market for a 75 gallon tank kit you can’t go wrong with the Innovative Marine Nuvo. It’s made by one of the leading aquarium manufactures in the industry, and it comes with a 6-month limited warranty.