How to Remove Chlorine from Water for a Fish Tank

How to Remove Chlorine from Water for a Fish Tank

Since most public water is treated with chlorine or chloramines. It is important to remove these chemicals for the safety of your fish. Not only can chlorine harm your fish, it will also kill off any beneficial bacteria in your fish tank. Once the beneficial bacteria are dead the ammonia levels will start to rise. […]

Types of Aquarium Filters

Types of Aquarium Filters

Before picking a filtration system for your aquarium, it’s best to understand how each stage of the filtration process works, so you can choose the right type of aquarium filter for your needs.   The Three Stages of Filtration Mechanical Chemical Biological   Mechanical Mechanical filtration’s primary function is to remove particulate from the water. […]

Best Bio Media for a Canister Filter

Best Bio Media for a Canister Filter

When selecting the best bio media for a canister filter, you should keep a few things in mind. The first point to consider is if your canister filter manufacturer already makes a drop-in replacement for your filter. If the manufacturer does make a replacement bio-filter, and you are happy with the performance of your current […]

Are Blood Parrot Fish Aggressive

Are Blood Parrot Fish Aggressive

While the Blood Parrot fish may have acquired a bad reputation for being aggressive. The simple answer is they are only a semi-aggressive fish. Compared to most aggressive fish they should be considered peaceful in most respects. And most of the aggression they do exhibit is territorial and usually never leads to injury or death. […]